Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/112

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Amongst the Troians, a deare Sonne, and King;
To whom shall many a Sonne; and Sonnes Sonne rise
In euerlasting-great Posterities.
His Name Æneas: therein keeping life;
For euer, in my much-conceipted griefe;
That I (immortall) fell into the bed
Of one whose blood, Mortality must shed.
But rest thou comforted; and all the Race
That Troy shall propagate, in this high grace;
That, past all Races else, the Gods stand nere
Your glorious Nation; for the formes ye beare
And Natures so ingenuous, and sincere.
For which, the great in counsailes (Iupiter)
Your Gold-lockt Ganymedes did transfer
(In rapture farr from mens depressed fates)
To make him Consort with our Deified states;
And skale the Tops of the Saturnian skies;
He was so meere a Marueile in their eyes.
And therefore from a Bolle of Gold he fills
Redd Nectar; that the rude distension kills
Of windes that in your humane stomacks breede.
But then did Languor, on the Liuer feede[1]
Of Tros (his Father) that was King of Troy;
And euer did his memorie employ
With losse of his deare bewtie so bereuen;
Though with a sacred whirlewinde rapt to heauen.
But Ioue (in pittie of him) saw him giuen
Good compensation; sending by Heauens Spye,

  1. ἄληστος. Cujus memoria erit perpetua.