Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/116

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And of all Spies, the Prince Argicides:
In well-trymmd Caues, their secret meetings made.
And with the liues of these; doth life inuade
Or odorous firre Trees; or high-forheaded Okes;
Together taking their begetting strokes.
And haue tbeir liues and deaths, of equall Dates;
Trees bearing louely, and Delightsome states;
Whom Earth first feedes, that Men initiates.
On her high Hills, she doth their states sustaine,
And they, their owne heights, raise as high againe.
Their Growghts together made; Nymphs call their Groues;
Vowd to th'Immortalls seruices, and loues.
Which mens steeles therefore touch not; but let grow.
But when wise Fates, times for their fadings know;
The faire Trees still, before the faire Nymphs die;
The Bark about them; growne corrupt, and drie;
And all their boughs (falne) yeeld to Earth her right;
And then the Nymphs liues, leaue the louely Light.
And these Nymphs, in their Caues, shall nurse my Son;
Whom (when in him, Youths first grace is begun)
The Nymphs, his Nurses, shall present to thee,
And shew thee what a Birth, thou hast by Me.
And (sure as now I tell thee all these things)
When earth, hath cloth'd her plants, in fiue faire springs;
My selfe will make returne, to this Retreate;
And bring that Flowre of thy enamour'd heate;
Whom when thou then seest, Ioy shall fire thine eyes;
He shall so well Present the Deities.
