Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/189

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And, in all high-waies, in abundance sell.
Till Riches to their vtmost wish arise;
And as thou mak'st them rich; so make me wise.
But if ye now, turne all to Impudence;
And think to pay with lies, my Pacience;
Then will I summon gainst your Fornace, All
Hells harmefull'st spirits; Maragus, I'le call;
Sabactes, Asbett, and Omadamus,
Who, ylls against your Art, Innumerous
Excogitates, supplies, and multiplies.
Come Pallas then; and all command to rise:
Infesting Fordge, and house with fire, till All
Tumble together, and to Ashes Fall:
These Potters selues, dissolu'd in Teares as small.
And as a Horse-cheeke, chides his foming Bit
So let this Fordge, murmure in fire, and flit;
And all this stuffe, to ashie ruines runne.
And thou (O Circe) Daughter of the Sunne;
Great-many-Poison Mixer; come; and poure
Thy cruell'st Poisons, on this Potters floore;
Shiuering their vessells; and themselues affect
With all the Mischiefes possible to direct
Gainst all their Beings, vrdg'd by all thy feends.
Let Chiron, likewise come; and all those friends
(The Centaures) that Alcides fingers fled,
And All the rest too, that his hand strooke dead
(Their Ghosts excited;) come and macerate
These Earthen Men; and yet with further Fate
