Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/26

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That onely He still, dominer'd in fight,
Of all the Mouse-Host. He aduancing close
Vp to the Lake; past all the rest arose
In glorious obiect; and made vant that He
Came to depopulate all the progenie
Of Froggs, affected with the lance of warre.
And certainely; he had put on as farre
As he aduanc't his vant; (he was indude
With so vnmatcht a force, and fortitude)
Had not the Father, both of Gods and Men
Instantly knowne it; and the Froggs (euen then
Giuen vp to ruine) rescude with remorse.
Who, (his head mouing,) thus began discourse:
No meane amaze, affects me to behold
Prince Meridarpax, rage so vncontrold,
In thirst of Frogg-blood; all along the lake:
Come therefore still; and all addression make;
Dispatching Pallas, with tumultuous Mars,
Downe to the field, to make him leaue the wars:
How [1]Potently soeuer he be said,
Where he attempts once; to vphold his head.
Mars answered; O Ioue; neither she nor I
(With both our aides) can keepe depopulacie
From off the Froggs. And therefore arme we all;
Euen thy lance letting brandish to his call
From off the field: that from the field withdrew
The Titanois; the Titanois that slew;
Though most exempt from match, of all earths seedes


  1. Κρατερός validus seu potens in retinendo.