Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/35

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To farr-shot Phœbus birth the famous home.
Latona then, nine daies and nights did fall
In hopeles labor: at whose birth were all
Heauens most supreame, and worthie Goddesses.
Dione, Rhæa; and th'Exploratresse
(Themis;) and Amphitrite, that will be
Pursu'd with sighs still. Euery Deitie
Except the snowie-wristed wife of Ioue:
Who held her moodes aloft; and would not moue.
Onely Lucina, (to whose virtue vowes
Each Child-birth patient) heard not of her throwes;
But sat (by Iuno's counsaile) on the browes
Of broad Olympus, wrapt in clouds of gold.
Whom Ioues proud wife, in enuie did with-hold;
Because bright-lockt Latona, was to beare
A sonne so faultles; and in force so cleare.
The rest (Thaumantia) sent before to bring
Lucina to release the enuied King:
Assuring her, that they would strait confer
A Carquenet, nine cubits long, on her,
All wouen with wires of Gold. But chargd her then,
To call apart from th'Iuorie-wristed Queene
The child-birth-guiding Goddesse; for iust feare
Lest, her charge vtter'd, in Saturnia's eare;
She, after, might disswade her from descent.
When winde-swift-footed Iris, knew th'intent,
Of th'other Goddesses; away she went;
And instantly she past, the infinite space
