Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/50

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The Howres, and all, run out, that were requir'd,
To vent a Birth-right; she brought forth a Sonne,
Like Gods, or Men, in no condition;
But a most dreadfull, and pernicious thing
Call'd Typhon; who on all the humane Spring
Confer'd confusion: which, receiu'd to hand
By Iuno; instantly, she gaue command
(Ill to ill adding) that the Dragonesse
Should bring it up; who tooke, and did oppresse
With many a misery (to maintaine th'excesse
Of that inhumane Monster) all the Race
Of Men, that were of all the world the grace.
Till the farre-working Phœbus; at her sent
A fierie Arrow; that inuok't euent
Of death gaue, to her execrable life.
Before which yet; she lay in bitter strife,
With dying paines; groueling on earth, and drew
Extreme short respirations; for which flew
A shout about the aire; whence, no man knew
But came by power diuine. And then she lay
Tumbling her Truncke; and winding euery way
About her nastie Nest; quite leauing then
Her murtherous life, embru'd with deaths of Men.
Then Phœbus gloried; saying, Thy selfe now lie
On Men-sustaining Earth, and putrifie:
Who first, of Putrifaction, was inform'd.
Now on thy life, haue Death; cold vapors stormd;
That stormd'st on Men the Earth-fed, so much death,
