Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/62

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Hermes, the Sonne of Ioue and Maia, sing,
(O Muse) th'Arcadian, & Ollenian King:
They rich in flocks; he heauen enriching still,
In Messages, return'd with all his will.
Whom glorious Maia (The Nimph rich in haire)
Mixing with Ioue, in amorous affaire;
Brought forth to him: sustaining a retreat
From all th'Immortalls of the blessed seat;
And liuing in the same darke Caue; where Ioue
Inform'd, at mid-night, the effect of loue,
Vnknowne to either man or Deitie:
Sweet sleepe once, hauing seas'd the ielous eye
Of Iuno, deckt with wrists of iuorie.
But when great Ioues high minde was consummate,
The tenth moneth had in heauen confin'de the date
Of Maias Labour; And into the sight
She brought, in one birth, Labours infinite.
