Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/73

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(In merit of th'Ineuitable bands,
To be impos'd by vext Latona's hands
Iustly incenst for her Apollo's harms)
Thenly thus wrapt, as ready for her arms,
To take thee vp, and kisse thee: Would to heauen,
(In crosse of that high grace) Thou hadst beene giuen
Vp to Perdition; ere poore mortalls beare
Those blacke banes, that thy father Thunderer
Hath planted thee of purpose to confer,
On them, and Deities. He return'd replie;
As Master of the feates of Policie;
Mother? why ayme you thus amisse at me?
As if I were a Sonne that Infancie
Could keepe from all the skill, that Age can teach?
Or bad in cheating, but a childish reach?
And of a Mothers mandats, fear'd the breach?
I mount that Art at first; that will be best
When all times consummate their cunningest.
Able to counsaile, Now my selfe, and thee,
In all things best, to all Eternitie.
We cannot liue like Gods here, without gifts;
No, nor without corruption, and shifts.
And much lesse, without eating; as we must
In keeping thy rules, and in being Iust;
Of which we cannot undergoe the lodes.
Tis better here, to Imitate the Gods,
And wine, or wench out all times Periods;
To that end, growing rich in readie heapes;
