Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/83

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Where, before both; Talents of iustice were
Propos'd for him, whom Ioue should sentence Clere,
In cause of their contention. And now
About Olympus, (euer-crown'de with snow)
The rumor of their controuersie flew.
All the Incorruptible, to their view,
On heauens steepe Mountaine, made return'd repaire.
Hermes and He, that light hurls through the ayre;
Before the Thunderers knees stood: who begunn,
To question thus farr, his Illustrious Sonne:
Phœbus: To what end bringst thou Captiue here
Him in whom my Minde, putts delights so deare?
This New-borne Infant? that the place supplies
Of Herrald yet, to all the Deities?
This serious busines, you may witnesse, drawes
The Deities whole Court, to discusse the cause.
Phœbus replied: And not vnworthie is
The cause, of all the Court of Deities.
For you shall heare, it comprehends the weight
Of Deuastation; and the verie height
Of spoile, and rapine, euen of Deities rights.
Yet you (as if my selfe lou'd such delights)
Vse words that wound my heart. I bring you here
An Infant, that, euen now, admits no Pere
In rapes and robb'ries. Finding out, his Place,
(After my measure of an infinite space)
In the Cyllenian Mountaine. Such a one
In all the Art of opprobration,
