Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/91

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At full art, in ould counsailes. Here I vow
(Euen by this Cornell Dart, I use to throw)
To thee, and to thy Mother; He make thee
Amongst the Gods, of glorious degree.
Guide of Mens waies, and Theirs. And will impart
To thee, the mightie Imperatorie Art:
Bestowe rich gifts on thee; and in the end
Neuer deceuive thee. Hermes (as a friend
That wrought on all aduantage; and made gaine
His Capitall obiect) that did entertaine
Phœbus Apollo: Doe thy Dignities
(Farr-working God; and circularlie wise)
Demand my vertues? without enuie I
Will teach thee to ascend my facultie.
And this Day thou shalt reach it; finding me,
In Acts and Counsailes, all waies kinde to thee;
As one that all things knows; And first tak'st seat
Amongst th'Immortalls; being good, and great.
And therefore to Ioues loue, mak'st free accesse,
Euen out of his accomplisht Holinesse.
Great gifts, he likewise giues thee; who (fame saies)
Hast wunn thy greatnesse, by his will: his waies.
By him know'st all the powers Propheticall
(O thou farr-worker) and the fates of all.
Yea; and I know thee rich; yet apt to learne:
And euen thy Wish, dost but discerne, and earne.
And since thy soule, so burns to know the way
To play and sing as I doe: sing, and play.
