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qua uſi Cadmus & aliquandiu poſteri. Mufæus abſque dubio a Muſa ſive Μωσα quod a מוסר Moſar, ars, diſciplina. Orphæus itidem a ſcientia nomen habuerit."

Voſſius de Art. Poet. Nat. cap. xiii.

To Mouſa (Moſes) that is Wisdom, the Jews have alſo been ambitious of aſcribing their code of laws. At leaſt this is a more probable, as well as a more reſpectful conjecture as to the perſon of the Hebrew lawgiver, (ſince conjecture is all that remains to us on that head) than that of Suidas, who tells us, that Moſes was an old woman. Μωσω γυνη εβραια ἦς ἐστι Συγγραμμα ὀ παρ ' Εβραίοις νομος ὤς φησιν Ἀλέξανδρος ὀ Μελήσιος ὀ Πλυιστωρ.

Suid. Lex. tom. ii. p. 583.