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ter ſeene, for ſhe the caitife had moſt rauenouſlye deuoured, whoſe fleſhe he eſteemed both ſweet and dainty in taſte.

Thus this damnable Stubbe Peeter liued the tearme of fiue and twenty yeeres, unſuſpected to be Author of ſo many cruell and vnnaturall murders, in which time he had deſtroyed and ſpoyled an vnknowen number of Men, Women, and Children, ſheepe, Lambes, and Goates: and other Catttell, for when he could not through the warines of people drawe men, Women, or Children in his danger, then like a cruell and tirannous beaſt he would woorke his cruelty on brut beaſts in moſt ſauadge ſort, and did act more miſcheefe and cruelty then would be credible, although high Germany hath been forced to taſte the trueth thereof.

By which meanes the inhabitantes of Collin, Bedbur and Cperadt, ſeeing themſelues ſo greeuouſly endaungered, plagued, and moleſted by this greedy & cruel Woolfe, who wrought continuall harme and miſcheefe, inſomuch that few or none durſt trauell to or from thoſe places without good prouiſion of defence, and all for feare of this deuouring