Page:The Damnable Life and Death of One Stubbe Peeter.djvu/3

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A moſt true Diſcourſe,
declaring the life and death of one
Stubbe Peeter, being a moſt
wicked Sorcerer.

Thoſe whome the Lord dooth leaue to followe the Imagination of their own hartes, diſpiſing his proffered grace, in the end through the hardnes of hart and contempt of his fatherly mercy, they enter the right path to perdition and deſtruction of body and ſoule foreuer: as in this preſent hiſtorie in perfect ſorte may be ſeene, the ſtrangenes whereof, together with the cruelties committed, and the long time therin continued, may driue many in doubt whether the ſame be truth or no, and the ratherfore that ſundry falce & fabulous mat- ters
