Page:The Dancing Master, Playford, 1686.djvu/3

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The Art of Dancing, called by the Ancient Greeks Orcheſtice, and Orcheſtis, is a commendable and rare Quality fit for young Gentlemen, if opportunely and civilly uſed. And Plato, that Famous Philoſopher, thought it meet, that young ingenious Children be taught to Dance. It is a Quality that has been formerly honoured in the Courts of Princes, when performed by the moſt noble Hero’s of the Times, The Gentlemen of the Inns of Court, whoſe ſweet and airy Activity has crowned their grand Solemnities with Admiration to all Spectators. This Art has been Anciently handled by Athenæus; Julius Pollux, Cælius Rhodiginus, and others, and much commended it to be excellent for Recreation, after more ſerious Studies, making the body more active and ſtrong, graceful in Deportment, and a quality very much beſeeming a Gentleman. Yet all this ſhould not have been an incitement to me for Publication of this Work (knowing theſe Times and the Nature of it do not agree,) But that there was a falſe and ſurreptitious Copy at the Printing-Preſs, which if it had been publiſhed, would have been a diſparagement to the Quality and the Profeſſors thereof, and a hinderance to the Learner: Therefore for prevention of all which, having an excellent Copy by me, and the aſſiſtance of a knowing Friend; I did venture this enſuing Work to the publick view, and gentle cenſure of all ingenious Gentlemen, lovers of this Quallity; whoſe favourable acceptance has mov’d me, in this 7th Edition, to make Large Additions of 47 new Dances, and many new Dance Tunes, never printed before, correcting the Errors, both of the Tunes and Dances, which were in the former Impreſſion; and for the more eaſie playing of the Tunes, barred every Semibreve. By which I hope it will gain your favourable acceptance. Yours,

John Playford.

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