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objection to all prophylactic measures," had "forcibly detained the vaccinator," and "were on the point of neglecting or evading their tribal obligations."

"That means they are in a blue funk—same as they were at census-time," said the Colonel; "and if we stampede them into the hills we 'll never catch 'em, in the first place, and, in the second, they 'll whoop off plundering till further orders. Wonder who the God-forsaken idiot is who is trying to vaccinate a Bhil. I knew trouble was coming. One good thing is that they 'll only use local corps, and we can knock up something we 'll call a campaign, and let them down easy. Fancy us potting our best beaters because they don't want to be vaccinated! They 're only crazy with fear."

"Don't you think, sir," said Chinn, the next day, "that perhaps you could give me a fortnight's shooting-leave?"

"Desertion in the face of the enemy, by Jove!" The Colonel laughed. "I might, but I 'd have to antedate it a little, because we 're warned for service, as you might say. However, we 'll assume that you applied for leave three days ago, and are now well on your way south."

"I 'd like to take Bukta with me."

"Of course, yes. I think that will be the best plan. You 've some kind of hereditary influence with the little chaps, and they may listen to you when a glimpse of our uniforms would drive them wild. You 've never been in that part of the world before, have you? Take care they don't send you to your family vault in your
