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life I was frightened. My words came spasmodically and I knew my lips trembled as I answered her.

"What—do—you mean, Estelle dear!—poisoned!—now don't talk such nonsense, there's a good little girl!" I replied, but I fear my tone was not convincing.

"As sure as I stand here," continued the girl, "you shall answer for it if you've done anything wrong to that poor dear upstairs. Oh, I hate you—I hate you, you brute!"

Woman, my dear old friend, passeth all the understanding of man. Here was a girl who, a few hours before, was willing enough to admit that I was the only man she had ever loved, ready now to see me in the hands of the law—aye, and to put me there!

"I am going back to her," she continued, her face still flushed with emotion, "and I've sent for your friend the doctor."

My feelings were far from pleasant, for I knew that if a post-mortem were to be held in the house I should be in a very tight corner.

"Fool I was not to stick to my hypodermic," I thought to myself. "As it is, I'm afraid that my efforts have been in vain. And, in addition, Estelle becomes a stumbling-block."