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over," I said, and in a half joking way pushed her out of my cabin. Women are very difficult in those parts of the world, Laurence. You've been East, and you know.

I did think things over, and a difficult problem I had to face. It was not so hard to dispose of Toillet—I had an idea for that—but I had to make sure of my money from her if I did so.

"You must keep clear of me," I told her the next time I had an opportunity. "Make up to the Old Man. He's ready enough. Don't give folks aboard any opening to couple our names together. I hate to tell you so," I added mendaciously, knowing how easily her amour propre might be offended. "But I have a plan——"

"Dear old chap, I thought you were the one to help me," she answered. "But you must explain to me."

"All right, walk with me on deck before dinner to-night," I suggested. "There's safety in a crowd."

We walked, and she told me point-blank that if her reputed husband died she would get twenty thousand pounds, as he had made a will in her favour about eighteen months