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was standing by the table—leaning on it with one hand, the other holding the heavy stick with which he had just attacked me.

His face was convulsed with fury. He tried to speak, but only the inarticulate sounds hissed out while he raised his stick as if to attack me again.

He had recovered temporarily from his seizure, although I could have sworn he was safe for an hour.

I stepped over to him, and, by a strong effort of will overcoming my repugnance at touching him, removed the stick from his hand. I had to use considerable force to take it, and then he tried hard to bite me, slavering over me in a most hateful manner that made me cross, and I hit him over the head hard enough to lay him out.

He dropped with a groan, and I immediately picked him up and carried him to his sofa.

Now, time was of the essence of the contract; Polly would soon be back.

Firstly, out came my chief friend, the dear little hypodermic, and into the shrivelled arm of the unconscious man went enough strychnine and cocaine for my purpose.

He should die in a fit. Then a run to the motor to see the gold covered up safely.