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"Nobody. Who can know?" replied the man addressed as Davies, while I listened to the conversation with breathless interest.

There was a long pause, during which I heard a match being struck.

"And what is the latest time before the money need be paid?"

"A month—not a day later."

"And nobody knows that I have had the money, except yourself, eh? Are you quite certain of that?" Farnell repeated.

"Positive. I alone hold the proof, my dear sir.

"I know. And without that proof nothing could possibly be brought against me," my patient said.

"You are not treating me quite fairly, Farnell," the other complained. "I came here in your own interests—in order to give you an opportunity of putting matters straight before the truth leaks out."

"I know. But I can't find eleven thousand in an hour."

"You can in a month."

"Yes—I suppose I must. Well, have a drink," and the master of the house rang the bell.

I stepped back along the hall, and entered