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I was too thunderstruck to say anything for the moment, and she continued:

"Yes, he showed me his pustule, and asked me if it was right to have it removed. Little did I think that this wretch was to cause the death of my best friend at the hands of the greatest fiend unhung!"

I stood dumbfounded.

Her eyes glared and flashed with passion as she spoke, and if looks could kill, I should not have survived a second.

I remained standing, looking almost fascinated, as it were, at the woman who had run me to earth, and who had the pluck to come and tell me all she knew.

What could I do?

"I am going to place all my facts before the police to-morrow morning, if you are alive. Dr. More d'Escombe. Doctor! Good heavens! I wonder how many poor, unsuspecting souls you have doctored to death? You have twelve hours, and a private detective is watching you for me, if you try to bolt. You're a coward, I've no doubt. If you take the correct course, I shall keep quiet for the sake of the reputation of the minor villain, my dead half-brother. If I have never done a good action before, and never do one again, I