Page:The Defence of Poesie - Sidney (1595).djvu/42

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The Defence of Poesie.

most familiar to teach it, and most Princely to moue towards it, in the most excellent worke, is the most excellent workeman. But I am content not onely to decipher him by his workes (although workes in commendation and dispraise, must euer hold a high authoritie) but more narrowly will examine his parts, so that (as in a man) though altogither may carrie a presence full of maiestie and bewtie, perchance in some one defectuous peece we may finde blemish: Now in his parts, kindes, or species, as you list to tearme them, it is to be noted, that some Poesies haue coupled togither two or three kindes, as the Tragicall and Comicall, whereupon is risen the Tragicomicall, some in the maner haue mingled prose and verse, as Sanazara and Boetius; some haue mingled matters Heroicall and Pastorall, but that commeth all to one in this question, for if seuered they be good, the coniunction cannot be hurtfull: therefore perchance forgetting some, and leauing some as needlesse to be remembred. It shall not bee amisse, in a word to cite the speciall kindes, to see what faults may be found in the right vse of them. Is it then the Pastorall Poeme which is misliked? (For perchance where the hedge is lowest they will soonest leape ouer) is the poore pipe disdained, which somtimes out of Maelibeus mouth, can shewe the miserie of people, vnder hard Lords and rauening souldiers? And again by Titerus, what blessednesse is deriued, to them that lie lowest, from the goodnesse of them that fit highest? Sometimes vnder the prettie tales of Woolues and sheepe, can enclude the whole considerations of wrong doingand