Page:The Development of Navies During the Last Half-Century.djvu/232

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and is inserted previous to the cartridge containing he explosive and cap. The case of this is made of brass, and though the construction of this portion is expensive the cartridge cases can be used over again when fired. The rapidity of aimed fire from this gun is about eight rounds a minute. Cordite has been tried with this gun, and it is found that 17 lbs. of this explosive will give the same energy to the projectile as 50 lbs. of ordinary powder, without increased pressure in the chamber.

It is difficult to say what will be the further development of quick-firing guns. One thing seems to me probable, that all charges will be contained in copper cylinders, instead of being enveloped in silk cloth, by which moisture will be excluded, and the explosive guarded against rough usage.[1] Greater rapidity of fire with heavy ordnance then becomes more dependent upon improved training and practice than small details of mechanism in the guns.

  1. Mr Elmore's ingenious process of copper deposition and hardening seems likely to answer this requirement.