Page:The Development of Navies During the Last Half-Century.djvu/317

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Foreign Navies — Europe.

tons is suflficiently powerful and can be most conveniently handled.

Under the new programme a number of fast cruisers are building, and a few have been completed. The largest type are to be 5500 tons, with a 9-in. bow arid stern chaser gun, and eight 6-in. guns on the broadside. They will have a steel protective deck and a speed of 20. knots. The 'Irene,' the first fast cruiser completed, is of 4300 tons, armed with fourteen 6-in. guns, and has a speed of 18 knots. Others are in course of construction. Germany has paid much attention to the organisation of an efficient defence by torpedo boats, and carries out continuous exercise with them in the Baltic and North Sea.

After the Franco-German War two generals in succession were charged with the administration and reorganisation of the German Navy. It was desired that as far as possible the regulations should be assimilated to those of the army, with special regard to the mobilisation of land and sea forces when required. General von Stosch was first selected for Chief of the Admiralty, and on his resignation General von Caprivi was appointed to the post. Both were well known as able organisers, and the result is that all the arrangements for naval mobilisation are as complete as those for the army, and at a word the fleet can be placed on a war footing, ready to perform any service assigned to it. An admiral is now at the head of the Naval Department.

The great advance made by Germany and Italy in