Page:The Development of Navies During the Last Half-Century.djvu/342

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'Inconstant,' The, 150, 227-9.

'Indiana,' The, of the United States Navy, 278.

'Indomptable,' The, of the French Navy, 254.

'Inflexible,' The, 85-9, 105, 136-8, 141-3, 180-1, 260.

'Inflexible,' The, first steamship of the navy to circumnavigate the world, 1846-9, 215-16.

'Invincible," The, 145.

'Irene,' The, of the German Navy, 267.

'Iris,' The, 153, 229-34.

'Iron Duke," The, 133, 145.

Iron, the use of, for construction of ships, 43. etc.

'Italia,' The, of the Italian Navy, 263.

Italy, navy of, 260-5.


'Jauréguiberry,' The, of the French Navy, 254.

'Jenmapes,' The, of the French Navy, 255.


'Kaiser,' The, ironclad of the German Navy, 265.

'Kaiser,' The, wooden screw line-of-battle ship in the Austrian Navy, 95; engaged at Lissa, 99-101, 134.

'Kearsage,' The, United States sloop, sinks the 'Alabama,' 67-70.

Kertch, Fort of, on the Sea of Azof, captured in the Crimean War, 35-6.

Kinburn in the Black Sea, bombardment of, 47-8.

Kinglake, on the capture of Kertch, 35, 42.

'König Wilhelm,' The, of the German Navy, 265.




Laird, Messrs, the 'Birkenhead' built by, 1845, 43; the 'Captain' built by, 80; 'Scorpion' and 'Wyvern,' for the Confederate States, built by, 124; two torpedo vessels, for Chili, built by, 208; 'Rattlesnake' built by, 238.

Lancaster's, Mr, gun, 171.

'Lazare Carnot,' The, of the French Navy, 254.

'Leopard,' The, of the Austrian Navy, 268.

'Lepanto,' The, of the Italian Navy, 263.

'Lightning,' The, 201, 233, 236

Line-of-battle ships, 2.

Lissa, battle of, 93-102, 129, 134, 140, 207, 260.

Locks, flint and percussion, 9.

'Lord Clyde,' The, 60.

'Lord Warden,' The, 60, 222.

Lyons, Captain E. M., son of Sir Edmund, in the expedition to the Sea of Azof, 36.

Lyons, Sir Edmund, second in command of the Mediterranean Squadron at the beginning of the Crimean War, 28; at the bombardment of Fort Constantine, 33; in chief command of the Black Sea fleet, expedition to the Sea of Azof, 35, 36; Sir E. Hamley on, 30, note.


'Magdala,' The, 123.

'Maine,' The, of the United States Navy, 277.

Malmesbury, Lord, on the manning of our ships for the Crimean War, 11.

Mangin's, Colonel, spherical reflecting mirror, 205.

Manning of ships, The, 10-12.

'Marathon,' The, 159.

Maritime alliance, in, there must be one head, 34.

Maritime Inscription, established by Colbert, 11.

'Massachusetts,' The, of the United States Navy, 278.

Maxim gun, The, 190.

'Mayo, 25 de,' The, of the Argentine Republic's navy, 287.

'Medea,' The, paddle-wheel vessel, 14.

'Medea,' The, third-class cruiser, 159.

Medium-sized ships, reasons for, 113.

'Medusa,' The, 159.

Mehemet Ali, operations against, 17.

'Melpomene,' The, 159.

Melville, Lord, established the 'Excellent' for training seamen in gunnery, 9.

Merchant vessel and a warship, comparison between, 241.

'Mercury,' The, 153, 229-34.

'Merrimac,' The, of the Southern States, action with the 'Cumberland' and 'Congress,' 75-6; with the 'Monitor,' 78, 103, 133, 271.

'Mersey,' The, cruiser of 4000 tons, 159.

'Mersey,' The, wooden frigate launched in 1858, 25, 50, 273.

'Miantonomoh,' The, of the United States Navy, 272.

Milne, Sir Alexander, on the percussion lock, 9.

'Minotaur,' The, 56, 59, 63, 228.

M'Killop, in the expedition to the Sea of Azof, 36.

Models, ships built from foreign, 3.

'Monadnock,' The, of the United States Navy, 272.

'Monarch,' The, 80-1, 83, 85.

'Monitor,' The, designed by Ericsson for the Northern States, 71, 76-7; action with the 'Merrimac,' 77-79, 103, 272.

Monk, Mr, designer of ordnance, 7.

Mortars, 8.

Mullens, an Irishman who drew plans for the Spanish Government, 4.