Page:The Development of Navies During the Last Half-Century.djvu/344

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'Revenge,' The, in the bombardment of Acre, 18, 20.

'Rhadamanthus,' The, 14.

'Riachuelo,' The, of the navy of Brazil, 287.

Robinson, Sir Spencer, Controller of the Navy, 60.

Rockets, 35-6.

Rous, Captain the Hon. H., of the 'Pique,' 4-5 'Royal Alfred,’ The, 60.

'Royal Arthur,' The, 158.

'Royal Oak,' The, 109.

'Royal Oak,' The, wooden ship cut down and armoured, 60.

'Royal Sovereign,' The, barbette ship, 109, 143.

'Royal Sovereign,' The, wooden ship cut down and armoured, 70.

'Ruggiero di Lauria,' The, of the Italian Navy, 264.

’Rupert,' The, 130, 143.

'Rurik,' The, of the Russian Navy, 259.

Russell Scott, Mr, naval architect, co-designer of the 'Warrior,' 50, 222.

Russia, navy of, 257-60.


'Sachsen,' The, of the German Navy, 265.

'Salamander,' The, 14.

Samuda, Messrs, build the 'Prince Albert,' 79.

'Sané,' The, of the French Navy, 255.

'San Francisco,' The, of the United States Navy, 274.

San Giorgio, port of Lissa, 96; attack upon by the Italian fleet, 97, 100-1.

'San Josef,' The, Spanish ship taken by Lord Nelson, 4.
'San Nicolas,' The, Spanish ship taken by Nelson, 4.

'Sanspareil,' The, 143-4, 243.

'Sardegna,' The, of the Italian Navy, 264.

Schneider's, Mr. steel plates, 137.

Schultz, Colonel, Polisli officer, defends Acre, 17, 22.

'Scorpion,' The, 124.

Scott's, Captain, iron gun carriages, 177.

Scott's, Rear-Admiral Robert, steel protective deck, 234.

Scouts, value of, 164.

Screw propeller, 12; Sir W. Symonds on, 23; question of inventor of, 217; first employed in the British navy, 218; vibration of caused substitution of iron for wood, 220; paddle-wheel entirely superseded by, 223; twin, 226; three, 264, 280.
Sebastopol, bombardment of, 16, 29-34; Mr Lancaster's guns, employment in siege of, 171.

'Seignelay,’ The, of the French Navy, 255.

Semmes, Captain, of the 'Alabama,' action with the 'Kearsage,' 67-70, 160.
Seppings, Sir Robert, Surveyor of the Navy, introduces round sterns, 2.

'Serpent,' The, 162.

'Severn,' The, 159.

'Shah,' The, 150; action with the 'Huascar, 151-2.

'Shannon,' The, 154, 235.

Shells, 8; common and shrapnel, 182.

Shot, double, 7; red-hot, 25, 170.

'Sicilia,' The, of the Italian Navy, 264.

'Sidon,' The. 15.

'Simoom,' The, 43, 221.

Sinope, effect of shell on wooden ships, 8, 25.

'Sinope,' The, of the Russian Navy, 258.

Sloops, steam, 14.

Smith, Sir Sydney, defence of Acre, 17.

Spain, fleet of, 268.

Steam propulsion, 211-47.

Sterns, square and round, 2; elliptical, 6.

Stewart, Captain, in the bombardment of Acre, 21.
Stopford, Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert, commander-in-chief at the bombardment of Acre, 18-22.

Stores, ships', 5.

'Stromboli,' The. 18.

Submarine boats, 203-4.

Suez Canal, 64.

'Surcouf,' The, of the French Navy, 256.

'Surprise,' The, 161.

Sveaborg, 38-9; bombardment of, 40-1.

'Swiftsure,' The 145, 226.

Symonds, Sir William, Surveyor of the Navy, 3; improvements, 4; designs for the 'Vanguard,' 5; the 'Queen,' 6; dislike for steamers, 22.


'Tage,' The, of the French Navy, 255.

'Talbot,' The, 18.

'Tchesmé, The, of the Russian Navy, 258.

Tegethoff, Admiral, Austrian commander in the battle of Lissa, 95-102.

'Tegethoff,' The, of the Austrian Navy, 268.

'Temeraire,' The, 104.

'Terrible,' The, commissioned in 1846, 214.

'Terrible,' The, of the French Navy, 254

'Terrible,' The, steam frigate in the Crimean War, 15.

'Terror,' The, floating battery, 46.

'Terror,' The, of the United States Navy, 272.

'Terror,' The, Sir John Franklin's ship, 23.

'Texas,' The, of the United States Navy, 277.

'Thames,' The, 159.

Thames Iron Works, The, the 'Warrior' built at, 55, 222.
Thomycroft, Messrs, 'Lightning' torpedo boat built by, 200-1, 236.

'Thunderbolt,’ The, 46.

'Thunderer,' The, 18.

Torpedo boats, 200-10; French, 256; Russian, 259; Italian, 265; German, 267; Austrian, 268; American, 281; catchers, 264.

Torpedoes, 193-210; Howell, 281.

'Trafalgar,' The, 142.

Transport department in the Crimean War, 27.

'Trehouart,' The, of the French Navy, 255