Page:The Development of Navies During the Last Half-Century.djvu/49

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Creation of a Steam Fleet.

in England. Her dimensions were, length 335 ft., breadth 54 ft, and burthen 4750 tons.

This led to the construction over here of the 'Orlando' and ’Mersey,' the largest frigates built entirely of wood, and launched in 1858. Their length was 300 ft, beam 52 ft, and burthen 3750 tons. They were, however, structurally weak, and did not last long. The 68-pounder was still the heaviest gun carried, for we had not yet arrived at rifle guns. Shell equipment was now universally provided, for Sinope had convinced even the strongest adherents of solid shot that whatever might be the advantages of the latter against stone walls in their smashing effect, shell for the attack of ships must prevail. Appliances for the use of red-hot shot were still supplied. These projectiles were formidable to wooden ships. Nelson considered fire the greatest danger of a naval battle. Before going into action it was the custom, as far as possible, to remove everything below which might feed a fire. But there was danger also to the ship using red-hot shot. Guns occasionally burst owing to the expansion of the projectile, for which provision had to be made in the diameter of the bore. There might also be a premature discharge by the ignition of the powder. To prevent this, thick junk wads were supplied for use with hot shot, to be well soaked in water and then rammed down after the powder, thus interposing a screen between the charge and shot.

Rockets were another species of weapon much favoured then, but which have recently ceased to form