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The Devil's Kingdom.

that the first living person that appears on this spot, shall fight with him another duel with these swords, and the result of that shall clear the winner.

Court.—[Aside.] All right.

Mr. B. D.—May it please your excellency to have mercy on a poor, misguided, drunken, blue devil, and may your honor have a motherly feeling for a wretch like myself. Don't hang me in my sin! I wish to repent. [Imps laugh boisterously and shake themselves violently.]

Devil.—[Pulls her again. Aside.] Don't you change your ideas, and let the fool repent, anything but that, you know.

Mr. B. D.—I have nothing more to ask, but I wish my mamma could see me before I die ! [Weeps aloud.]

Court.—Shut up, you wicked wretch! It is the decision of the Court to sentence you to fight the first living person that appears on this spot.

Devil.—Now then, is my time to get up! [Imps hand them the swords.] I am that man, come on! [They fight, Devil kills him. Lovers strike an attitude of satisfaction, back of duelists. Scenes open, exposing infernal regions, where Common Imps carouse. Demons torture Victims. The Lovers, Law Expounder and Miss Prudish are transformed into Victims and are taken by the Demons. Immense groans from all hands go forth, at which moment the dead Blue Devil is transformed, and taken by the four Leading Imps and carried back on the stage and dropped into a flame of fire striking up through the floor. Shouts and groans, from Victims and Imps, fill the air with horror! Devil is on his elevated throne smiling. Imps with uplifted hands seem gay, &c. Tableau.]


SCENE I.—Private apartment of Mrs. Gossip, where she receives her friends. She is a neat, tidy saint, very versatile and sanctimonious.

Note.—This act is omitted in the Gorgeous Spectacular Edition.

Mrs. Gossip.—If there is one class of people more despicable than another, it is gossippers. But I do detest such low lived sinners! My dear Alphonse, when he lived, always told me to attend to my own affairs, and let other people do the same! Yes, yes, what a beautiful world this would be, if long tongued women were banished from decent society! But Satan must have his followers—

[Enter Devil and Leading Imps.]

Devil—Certainly, Madam; at your service!

Mrs. G.—[Scared and screams.] A-a-a-a.

Devil.—It is only me, you need not scream! I can tell you of some horrible things—[Imps tear their eyes widely open.]

Mrs. G.—[Wide agape.] You don't say so, what is it?

Devil.—[Gasping for breath.] Please give me a little time, when I will tell you all about it—