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The Devil's Kingdom.

noises are created; additional horrors are added; fire, smoke, brimstone, thunder, &c. are making a soul harrowing noise! All move back on the stage, descending into a fiery abyss; Demons take Victims back first, Common Imps go next, Leading Imps follow and the Devil last; then the Angelic host enter, from sides, through floor, from top, and make one vast host of earthly and heavenly angels, shutting out the Infernal Regions entirely.


Transformation; ascending of Angels, &c. Saints and Dr. Philosopher enter, after Angels ham partly ascended in Pyramids, &c, all strike tableau, when Dr. Philosopher speaks.]

Dr. Philosopher.—Let all the earth rejoice, that the hour has arrived, when truth, though crushed, will rise again, and sway her sovereign power over all animated creation!

Therefore, ye that yet live, we implore you improve the time in the hour of youth, and rend asunder the bonds that hold the millions in subjection to his demoniacal kingdom, when peace and good-will, will reign throughout the world!

[Transformation, Singing and Grand Tableau.]