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152 West Thirteenth Street, New York City

Scofield Thayer

Stewart Mitchell
Managing Editor

Gilbert Seldes
Associate Editor


Marianne Moore was graduated from Bryn Mawr in 1919. She has contributed to The Egotist and to Others, and lives in New York.
Kahlil Gibran, of Mount Lebanon, Syria, is a writer in Arabic and English and a painter. The Madman, a parable, and Twenty Drawings are among his published works.
Llewelyn Powys is a native of Dorset who was graduated from Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He was forced to travel for his health and spent several years in British East Africa. An earlier part of his diary was published in this country in 1917 under the title Confessions of Two Brothers.
Hart Crane is a young man of twenty, engaged in business in Cleveland, Ohio. Poems of his have appeared in The Little Review and various magazines of verse.
Edmund Wilson, Jr., was graduated from Princeton in 1916. Since the war he has been an assistant editor of Vanity Fair.
Witter Bynner—"Immanuel Morgan" of Spectra—is author of Ode to Harvard and Grenstone Poems.
Charles Burchfield, who was born in Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio, in 1893, and now lives in Salem, Ohio, was a pupil of H. G. Kellar, of Cleveland. He served for a time in the Camouflage Corps at Camp Jackson.
Helen Ives Gilchrist, formerly with the educational department of the Cleveland Museum of Art, has been employed in the Historical Bureau of the Y.M.C.A. wince her return from overseas.

The Dial regrets to announce the resignation of Clarence Britten as associate editor.


The dial (founded in 1880 by Francis F. Browne) is published monthly by The Dial Publishing Company, Inc.—J. S. Watson, Jr., President—W. B. Marsh, Secretary-Treasurer—at 152 West Thirteenth Street, New York, N. Y. Entered as Second Class matter at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., August 3, under the Act of March 3, 1897. Copyright, 1920, by The Dial Publishing Company, Inc.

$4 a year
Foreign Postage 60 cents
35 cents a copy