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This truth is first discovered in abstract form, or as an idea. Then, as Mr. Oppenheim points out in the February Dial, its discovery creates a new poetry—at least so I venture to paraphrase him. When the discovery sinks a little deeper, the novelist and dramatist will discover the localities of America as they are, and no one will need to worry about the future of American art. We have been too anxious to get away from home. Naturally that took us to Europe even though we fancied we were going around America. When we explore our neighbourhood, its forces and not just its characters and colour, we shall find what we sought. The beginning of the exploring spirit is in the awakening of criticism and of sympathy. Heaven knows there is enough to criticize. The desired art is not likely to linger long, for the sympathy will come as soon as we stay at home for a while. And in spite of the motor car, moving about is getting difficult. Things are getting filled up—and anyway we only move to another locality.