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Thirty-third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology: 1911-1912 (8vo, 677 pages; Government Printing Office, Washington), is chiefly notable for the monograph on the symbolism of the prehistoric Hopi pottery designs, by Jesse Walter Fewkes. The uses of plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, by Melvin Randolph Gilmore, is an important contribution to the study of the ecology of the American Indian. The Hawaiian romance of Laieikawali, in original text and translation by Martha Warren Beckwith, occupies a large portion of the volume. One wishes, as so often with government publications, that the book were designed for others than mandarins and megalobibliots.
The Russian Republic, by Col. Cecil L'Estrange Malone (12mo, 153 pages; Harcourt, Brace and Howe), reports, in an odd diary-form, the observations of a British member of Parliament of the state of affairs in Russia. It is remarkably sane, informative, well-balanced; everything that political literature about Russia is not, it is. It is in paper covers as is Bolshevism at Work, by William T. Goode, the correspondent of the Manchester Guardian (12mo, 143 pages; same publisher). The two provide something of the actualities of this international case; a starting point for intelligent judgement
History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century, by Heinrich von Treitschke, translated by Eden and Cedar Paul (Volume VII; 8vo, 632 pages; McBride), brings the English version of this monumental work to a conclusion. Advancing from the rather dull and uneventful decade, 1830-1840, which he discusses in his two preceding volumes, Treitschke describes the course of events up to the eve of the revolutionary year, 1848. Despite the author's chauvinist prejudices, which exert a perceptible influence upon his historical judgements, his history will unquestionably live for its brilliant style and weighty scholarship.