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"It is not so very late."

A shimmer of light from a suddenly opened door fell on the flagging in the hall on the floor below. A whispering voice sounded up to him.


"That's Frau Sommer herself," the servant said quickly, and hurried to the railing.


"Where have you been staying all this time? Isn't the doctor at home?"

Graesler now also stepped over to the railing and looked down. Below in the corridor the woman, whose features were dissolved in the half-light, raised her arms on high, as to a saviour.

"Thank God! You’re coming right away, aren't you, Doctor? The child is—I don't know what is the matter with it."

"I—yes, I—I am coming, of course. If you will only wait for a minute. I must go get my thermometer and bring it along. Just a minute, Madam, and I shall—"

A whispered "Thank you" floated up to Doctor Graesler as he closed the door behind him. He hurriedly entered the room where Katharina stood leaning against the table, looking across at him expectantly. He was filled with a deep tenderness towards her, the more so as he had just admitted such base suspicions of her. She seemed to him a touching, an altogether angelic figure. He walked up to her and stroked her hair.

"We are having poor luck," he said, "or rather I am. Think of it, I have just been called to a sick child right here in the house, and of course I cannot refuse my help. Unfortunately, I can't see anything else to do but walk you off to a carriage."

She seized his hand, which still rested on her head. "You're sending me away?"

"Not gladly, you can believe me. Or—or would you care to wait for me after all?"

She stroked his hand. "If it doesn't take too long."

"Well, in any case, I'll hurry. You're very, very dear."

He kissed her on the forehead, quickly brought from his study the black instrument-case which was always ready for use, admonished Katharina to enjoy her meal in the meanwhile, turned around at the door to look at her once more, saw her nodding to him pleas-