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He did not undress, but sat on the side of the bed; his elder brother was already asleep. Marcelius went to the window, and looked out. "Herregud, Herregud," he murmured softly, and going back to the bed, lay down, but without undressing. All night he lay awake, then, as soon as he heard his mother lighting the fire below, he got up, called his brother, and went down. It was only four o'clock.

"You're early astir," said his mother.

"I was thinking of the sheep," he said. "If we're to get them all in for the shearing, we'll have to be starting out in good time."

All three got ready, the two lads and their mother, and went over to the schoolmaster's, waiting outside till Frederikke appeared. Frederikke had only the serving maid with her. They were five in all when they got to the boat.

The two brothers rowed steadily and easily, the women talking together the while. The sun came up, and the islet where the sheep were pastured lay there heavy and calm, as if afloat. The sheep had marked the approach of the boat from afar, and stood now staring in astonishment, forgetting to graze. The party in the boat made as little noise as possible, not to frighten the shy beasts more than need be.

But the sheep had forgotten the coming of just such a boat the year before, and stared as if they had never in their lives seen such a vision. They let the boat come in, and in their marvellous stupidity made no move; not till the keel grounded on the shore did one old shaggy wether fall to trembling. It cast a glance at its fellows, and then again at the boat. Suddenly—just as the boat was drawn up, and the five human beings stood still for a moment on the beach—the wether decided that this was a thing perilous beyond all perils it had known; turning suddenly it dashed off wildly across the island. And the others followed at once.

"They'll be none so easy to catch this year," said the women one to another.

The party moved up over the island. The first thing to do was to get hold of a lamb, then the mother would be more easily taken. They toiled all through the morning before they managed to capture a full-grown sheep. One flock made in a fright down towards the boat, and maddened with fear, dashed into the sea; Marcelius waded out and caught them, one by one.

"Now you're all wet," said Frederikke.