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it was Kislinger and Dostalek, but he’sdead. . . . Now Vojtech hears a woman singing: “And I am Esmeralda, the true daughter of the South, Esmeralda, Esmeralda . . .” He likes it, but he is afraid that they will turn him out, and makes himself small so that no one should see him. He hides himself behind the table and only looks at the girl who is serving the wine. With upraised arms she arranges her hair and sings softly. Now she speaks to someone, bending down to his face, kneeling, with one knee on the chair, look, a red garter under the other knee. Vojtech does not know what to do with his eyes. He is ashamed of them, and only watches, jealously. . . . And now she sees me, my God! Now she comes straight over to him, lurching a little, leans right across the table, and looks at him, very intently, with mysterious flashing eyes. She is humming a love-song, and laughs, quietly and kindly. Vojtech feels her damp breath on his lips and is on the point of weeping with shame and love.

He would like to say something, but he does not know what; nor does she. Therefore she only whispers the love-song and gazes into his eyes with a very intimate, clear look. What did she want from me? Why did she say nothing? Actually there are no boys here any more, only Karel, sitting and writing on foolscap paper, saying to himself: now you must study. Vojtech pretends to hear nothing, study what you like, he thinks, only let me sleep now.

When Vojtech awoke it was broad daylight. He was puzzled to find himself lying in bed, half-dressed, then he remembered a little and looked for Karel. Karel lay on the sofa, sleeping. His cheeks drooped, tired to the point of pain, and he seemed aged. Then Vojtech, silently, in order not to awaken him, searched for what he had written. He found a letter in a sealed envelope, tore it open, and read:

“Dear Sir,

Owing to my illness I resign my position and request my release without pension.

X. X., late Councillor”

Vojtech shook his head and searched further. In the waste-paper basket there were several crushed, cancelled, and torn pieces of paper. He opened them and read: