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(Paul awakes, and seeing the three figures, looks round with staring eyes, like one who believes to be the victim of an hallucination.)

PAUL (springing to his feet): Who are ye? Is this cave the habitation of evil spirits? I must escape. . . . Yonder is daylight.

MANAHEM: Hast forgotten knocking at our door last night?

PAUL: The Essenes, the Essenes, only the Essenes! I was overcome with sleep and the dream was so heavy upon me that I knew not where I was. Thank God, it was but a dream! But my fellow, Timothy, where is he? And he who slept by me on this balcony?

caleb: Jesus, our shepherd—

PAUL: Jesus! Jesus!

MANAHEM: Jesus, our shepherd, has gone in search of thy fellow. Hast forgotten Timothy?

Paul: Forgotten Timothy? No. But ye startled me out of a dream, or were ye three standing round me whilst I dreamt? It must be so, for I was dreaming of myself on a spar amid foaming seas when my eyes opened upon you in your white garments.

Caleb: And mistook us, belike, for angels. I bring thee bread and a jug of milk freshly drawn.

Paul: Having travelled far I am weary still, and footsore, despite the shepherd's bathing of my feet. Where is he?

MANAHEM: Have we not said that he has gone in search of Timothy?

(Exit Caleb. Whilst Paul is eating Mathias enters, followed by Bartholomew, Benjamin, Shallum, Eleazor, Eliakim.)

MATHIAS (to Paul): Our President has charged me to bid thee welcome and to tell thee that he hopes thou'lt stay with us till thou'rt rested.

(Enter Caleb with a plate of lentils, which he hands to Paul)

PAUL: Salute thy President for me and tell him that I slept well, but the ache of travel has not yet left my bones and I would tarry here till midday, if I may without hindrance to anybody.

MATHIAS: Hazael will be with thee soon and doubtless thy request will be granted, for we would hear thee tell of the Lord Jesus,