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Livingston, Arthur, translator The Man With the Flower in His Mouth 313

Lovett, Robert Morss The Squire in Politics 391

Mann, Thomas German Letter 369

Meier-Graefe, Julius German Art After the War 1

Morand, Paul Paris Letter 173, 473, 583

Moore, George The Apostle 43

George Moore and Granvill Barker 135

George Moore and John Freeman 341

Moore, Marianne An Eagle in the Ring 498

Gentle Sorcery 203

Mortimer, Raymond London Letter 73

The Memoirs of M de Charlus 376

Parsons, Alice Beal Sin 603

Pirandello, Luigi The Man with the Flower in His Mouth 313

Powys, John Cowper The Philosopher Kwan 430

Powys, Llewelyn An Historical Novel 600

Matthew Prior 265

Rosenfeld, Paul Randolph Bourne 545

Russell, Bertrand Leisure and Mechanism 105

Life as an Art 487

A New System of Philosophy 278

Santayana, G. A Long Way Round to Nirvana 435

Sapir, Edward Mr Housman's Last Poems 192

Schnitzler, Arthur The Fate of the Baron von Leisenbohg (Fiction) 565

Seldes, Gilbert Before a Picture by Picasso 406

The Demoniac in the American Theatre 303

Shorter and Better Stories 184

Toujours Jazz 151

Mr Wells' Ancients 285

Toomer, Jean Waldo Frank's Holiday 383

von Hofmannsthal, Hugo Vienna Letter 271

Wapsworth, P. Beaumont, translator The Injured One 521

Prague Letter 7

Wescott, Glenway The First Book of Mary Butts 282

Wilkinson, Louis Sir James Barrie 167

Wilson, Edmund The Anatomy of War 93

Late Violets from the Nineties 387

The Mantuan 492

Woolf, Virginia Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street (Fiction) 20

Worster, W. W., translator On the Island 209

Wright, Cuthbert Much Ado About Nothing 608

Yeats, William Butler An Autobiographical Fragment 13