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Easton, Dorothy. Tantalus 611

Ellis, Don Carlos and Laura Thornborough. Motion Pictures in Education 302

Ellis, Havelock. The Dance of Life 487

Firbank, Ronald. The Flower Beneath the Foot 387

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, translator. Life of Christ, by Giovanni Papini 99

Foster, Jeanne Robert. Rock-Flower 202

Frank, Tenney. Virgil: A Biography 492

Frank, Walpo. Holiday 383

Galsworthy, John. The Burning Spear 201

Galsworthy, John. Captures 506

Galsworthy, John. Loyalties 301

Galsworthy, John. Windows 401

Gardiner, A. G. The Life of Sir William Harcourt 391

Garnett, Constance, translator. Love and Other Stories, by Anton Chekov 96

Gerould, Katherine Fullerton. Conquistador 300

Gibbs, Philip. The Middle of the Road 97

Gourmony, Remy de. See de Gourmont.

Greene, Anne Bosworth. The Lone Winter 299

Grudin, Louis. Charlatan 400

Guerney, B. Guilbert, translator. Sulamith, by Alexandre Kuprin. 98

Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. Things Remembered 203

Hart, William S. A Lighter of Flames 612

Hecht, Ben. The Florentine Dagger 399

Hoffmann, E. T. W. J. T. Bealby, translator. Weird Tales 506

Hoppé, E. O., illustrator. Gods of Modern Grub Street, by A. St. John Adcock 509

Housman, A. E. Last Poems—A Shropshire Lad 188

Housman, Laurence. Moonshine and Clover: A doorway in Fairyland 293

Hudson, Stephen. Prince Hempseed 96

Johns, Orrick. Blindfold 300

Jordan-Smith, Paul. Cables of Cobweb 200

Josephson, Matthew. Galimathias 613

Josey, Charles Conant. Race and National Solidarity 614

Joyce, James. Ulysses. 480

Kemp, Harry. The Love-Rogue 400

Koteliansky, S. S. and J. Middleton Murry, Dostoevsky: Letters and Reminiscences 605

Kreymborg, Alfred. Puppet Plays 201

Kuprin, Alexandre. B. Guilbert Guerney, translator. Sulamith 98

Lindsay, Vachel. Collected Poems 498

Lindsay, Vachel. Going to the Sun 202

Lubbock, Percy. Roman Pictures 508

McGraw, John J. My Thirty Years in Baseball 203

McKenna, Stephen. Soliloquy 200

Mackail, J. W. Virgil and His Meaning to the World of Today 492

MacOrlan, Pierre. Malice 506

Mallarmé, Camille. The House of the Enemy 301

Mansfield, Katherine. The Dove's Nest 484

Marks, Jeanette. The Sun Chaser. 508

Masefield, John. The Dream and Other Poems 507

Masters, Edgar Lee. Skeeters Kirby 98

Merrick, Leonard. To Tell You the Truth 96

Meynell, Alice. The Poems of Alice Meynell 202

Mitchison, Naomi. The Conquered. 600

Monahan, Michael. An Attic Dreamer 99

Montague, C. E. Disenchantment 301

Montesquiou, Robert de. See de Montesquiou

Moore, Marianne. Marriage (Manikin Number 3).—Poems 594

Murry, J. Middleton and S. S. Koteliensky, translators. Dostoevksy: Letters and Reminiscences. 605