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MATHIAS: Truly not. But a Jew of Alexandria would have put to thee some simple questions which thou wouldst be troubled to answer plainly. He would have asked thee why the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ should deliver the Jews from the law of Moses. But it seems to me that I begin to understand thee, Paul, and thy company; for whereas thy disciples believe that signs and observances summon and strengthen the love that is in the heart, thou holdest that all such are of Pagan kinship, and that the name of the Lord Jesus, his death and resurrection, is enough for the true Christian. . . . We are not so far apart, Paul, as thou thinkest for, but I would warn thee that there is a dangerous doctrine implicit in thy Gospel: that whosoever have faith may sin and sin again, but may come into salvation despite his sins. (Paul begins to interrupt.) Bear with me a little while, Paul. The promise made to Moses counts for nothing?
PAUL: It counted for much till the Lord Jesus was born of woman and died on the cross for our sins.
MATHIAS: The promise made to Moses was then a duplicity. (Again Paul begins to interrupt.) Do not trouble to explain, for I will refrain from this aspect of the question and will ask thee instead how we may come into the faith; philosophy, it appears, may not lead us into it.
pauL: Through grace.
MATHIAS: But how comes grace? Whence comes it?
PAUL: Grace is a gift from God, which he gives or withholds.
MATHIAS: At his pleasure.
PAUL: God's words to Moses were: I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
MATHIAS: So the law of Moses is not ended! Thou leanest upon it when it suits thy purpose and it is put aside when it pleases thee to reprove us as laggards in tradition; and it was lest some mood of injustice might be imputed to God that we were invited to become thy disciples and carry thy Gospel into Italy and Spain.
PAUL: Does the vase ask the potter: Why hast thou made me thus? Has not the potter power over the clay to make from the same lump two vases for noble and ignoble use?

(A murmur of approval is heard among the Essenes.)

MATHIAS: Has it then come to pass that I discern a heed in the