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aquila: Kerith is over against Jordan, and the shepherd mayhap a disciple of the Baptist.

ApoLLOs (turning to Eunice): Aquila would have thee know that till I came to Ephesus the Baptist's doctrine of repentance alone was known to me, and that it was they who instructed me—

PRISCILLA: In Paul's doctrine of grace. He came to Ephesus after thy departure for Achaia, and when he asked thy followers if they had received the Holy Ghost, they answered him: We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

aquila: Paul imposed his hands; they prophesied, and many miracles were wrought.

EUNICE: The Lord upholds him and speaks through his mouth, and all he says cometh to pass. But though ye know these things, ye are here debating the truth of a shepherd's tale, which, if it be true, derides our labour and mocks Paul, making him a liar to us, his familiars for twenty years. Yet we know he has never withheld anything from us, nor taken any man's gold or silver, nor coveted any of this world's glories, but turned his back upon them, it being enough for him to work for the salvation of us all in sickness as in health.

PRISCILLA: Gaining his living at his loom as we do, Aquila and my- self, for like him we are tent-makers.

(A knocking is heard.)

EUNICE: Somebody knocking at our door. . . . I would not have this story made known till Paul returns to refute it; so not a word, nor any hint of it.

TIMOTHY: Paul is away on the hills—

eUNICE: Why do ye stand here guessing who it may be?

(The knocking is heard again. Exit Timothy. Apollos and Aquila talk in dumb show. Priscilla comes down to Eunice.)

prIsciLLA: May I look into the street?

EUNICE: There is a moon to-night. . . . Look.

(Priscilla draws the curtains.)

PRISCILLA: And so bright is the moon that the rigging of the ships alongside the wharf can be counted. Ah! Timothy comes to help a man unload a cart. He is lifting a hamper on to the man's shoulders.

(Apollos and Aquila come down the stage.)