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had seen the brethren ready to forgo their oaths, thought well of my journey thither, and gave me staff and scrip.

apollos: Thy story gets stranger and stranger.
pauL: It does, indeed, Apollos, so strange that I can hardly believe it myself. My shepherd guide did not lead me into Jerusalem. For to testify against thee, he said, after leaving thee safe in Caesarea, would embroil men's minds still further. Although we preach naught but the kingdom of heaven, Paul, preaching is vain and mischievous. And these words bringing a thought of my journey to Rome to me, I asked him if we must not strive against evil. Whilst waiting for his answer I heard the evening sigh gently about the hilltop where we rested, and his answer came almost as gently as the dropping wind: It is better to love the good than to hate the wicked. Many other things he said, all of which were beautiful, and whilst I listened to him it often seemed to me that long brooding on the story of the crucifixion had awakened something of the Lord Jesus in him, for are not all things akin, all things participating in God's will, even the Lord Jesus himself? Once during the night he stood over me, but whether I waked or dreamed I know not, for sleep closed about me again, and in the morning I looked for him in vain.
TIMOTHY: But in four days, travelling together thou must have seen scars of the nails on his hands and feet, if indeed he were crucified.
EUNICE (coming forward): What hast thou asked, Timothy?
TIMOTHY: I have but asked if there were scars on the hands and feet, for they would testify that the shepherd was at least put on the cross. Paul did not understand my question.
PAUL: Only too well do I understand thee, Timothy. But are you all thinking of the man Jesus? And is there not one among you who understands? Thou, Eunice?
eUNICE: Life was not life, but death, till Jesus came. Can I mistrust his Apostle?
PAUL (turning from Eunice and addressing the others): So it is by the signs of the cross that ye know him, ye being no better than Peter, James, and John, who preach naught but the Galilean. And of all, Timothy, thou'rt without knowledge of the everlasting Jesus!