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EUNICE: I cannot bear to see thee weep; a man's tears overcome me. But the minutes are running out; there is no time for weakness. Paul, I would that my son went with thee to care for thee. But thou knowest best. Whether Timothy goes or stays, there is no parting. Hast thou not written it? Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. . . . I can bear it no longer. Thou'lt need food for the voyage. (She gathers food from the table and places it in a basket, which she hangs on Paul's arm.) Henceforth in Lystra I shall live in recollection of the work we have done, and in our love of the Lord Jesus Christ. The synagogue to which I went to hear thee preach is still there, and the road by which we returned, leading Timothy by the hand; the street and the angle to which the Jews dragged thee and cast stones upon thee; the house to which Lois, my mother, and I carried thee wounded; the bed on which we laid thee, and the table at which we sat at meat together; the seat at the end of the garden walk where thou hast often sat rejoicing in the sun. And there I shall sit in eventide, saying: He is now in Italy or mayhap far away in Spain, and listening, I shall hear thee in my thoughts preaching, calling all the world to Christ. We part in mutual love. All days are henceforth thy days, but to-day is my day, for I live to-day in the lesson that I learnt from thee long ago in Lystra: that there is no happiness on this earth except in the Lord Jesus Christ. His name brings strength; I am strong again, and I'll show thee how strong when Timothy returns.

(Enter Timothy.)

TIMOTHY: All are on board. The anchor is weighed and the ship swings on the hawsers. Julius waits at the gangway for thee, Paul.
EUNICE (drawing aside the curtains): The sails go up. Never shall we see his face again; we part for eternity. But no matter if I die of grief, go, Paul, and fetch the world to Christ.

(Paul embraces Eunice and then Timothy.)

PAUL: I go alone! I am led! (Exit Paul.)
EUNICE (going to the window): He crosses the gangway, and now he descends into the ship. Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos are