Page:The Dial vol. 15 (July 1 - December 16, 1893).djvu/64

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[July 16,

A TERRITORY IN THE SKY. THE entire area of New Mexico, 122,444 square miles in extent, averages as high as the loftiest summit of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. There, on a slope of the Rockies, bordered by the pine forest, neighbored by gorges and foaming torrents where trout abound, and environed by quaint Mexican villages, lies Las Vegas Hot Springs, one of the most attractive of Ameri- can resorts. Chronic diseases are relieved by the medicinal waters -every form of bath being administered and the climate is a specific for pulmonary affections. The superb Hotel Montezuma accommodates 2">0 guests. Send for illustrated descriptive book, "The Land of Sunshine," to j DVRNF 701 Monadnock Building, CHICAGO. THE DOUBLE SUMMER NUMBER OF POET-LORE. ^AMERICAN DUMBER, containing a variety of contributions on American subjects. At Inspection, A Story of American Army Life, by Dorothy Lundt. A Study of Walt Whitman, by Professor Oscar L. Triggs, of the Chicago University, is an important contribution to American literary criticism. Emma Lazarus : Woman, Patriot, Poet, is the sub- ject of a critical and biographical essay by Mary M. Cohen. The Singer, by M. A. Warswick. Emerson as an Exponent of Beauty in Poetry, by Helen A. Clarke. A Talk on American Patriotic Poems, by Charlotte Porter. Early Women Poets of America, by Mary Horned. Poet's Parleys : A Dream of Freedom," by Lowell and Whittier, and "America," by Lanier and Whitman. A Prophecy of America. A reprint of William Blake's famous work of genius. Other subjects treated are : Recent American Verse, Dramas of New England Life : " Giles Corey " and " Shore Acres." A number of peculiar interest and value, which every American should wish to see and to pre- serve in his library. _ Yearly Subscription, $2.50. This Double Number, 50 cts.; Single Number, %5 cts. Orders received by all Newsdealers and Booksellers, or may be sent to the Publishers, POET-LORE CO., 196 Summer St., Boston. JOSEPH GlLLOTT'S STEEL TENS. GOLD MEDALS, PARIS, 1878 AND 1889. His Celebrated Clumbers, 303404-170-604-332 tAnd his other styles, may be bad of all dealers- throughout the World. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS, NEW YORK, The Boorum & Pease Company, MANUFACTURERS OF THE STANDARD BLANK BOOKS. (For the Trade Only.) Everything, from the smallest Pass-Book to the largest Ledger, suitable to all purposes Commercial, Educational, and Household uses. Flat-opening Account-Books, under the Frey patent. For sale by all Booksellers and Stationers. FACTORY: BROOKLYN. Offices and Salesrooms : . . . . 101 & 103 Duane Street, NEW YORK CITY. THE DIAL PRESS, CHICAGO.