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No. I.

The Editors to the Reader 1

A Short Essay on Critics 5

To the Aurora Borealis 11

Notes from the Journal of a Scholar 13

The Religion of Beauty 17

Brownson's Writings 22

The Last Farewell 47

Ernest the Seeker (Chapter First) 48

The Divine Presence in Nature and in the Soul 58

Sympathy 71

Lines 72

Allston Exhibition 73

Song—To * * * 84

Orphic Sayings 85

Stanzas 98

Channing's Translation of Jouffroy 99

Aulas Persius Flaccus 117

The Shield 121

The Problem 122

Come Morir? 123

The Concerts of the past Winter 124

A Dialogue 134

Richter—The Morning Breeze 135

Dante—Sketches 136

No. II.

Thoughts on Modern Literature 137

Silence 158