Page:The Diary of Dr John William Polidori.djvu/229

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feel deeply this disappointment; to Mary,[1] Fanny, and Charlotte, to Signor Deagostini and Signor De Ocheda, and to all.

If you could get me letters of introduction, they would be of great use. In the meanwhile, my dear father, believe me

Your affectionate son,
John Polidori.

John Polidori to Gaetano Polidori—Translation.

Arezzo, November 14, 1816.

Dear Father,

I fear you must be in much anxiety at not having heard from me for so long; but the reason was that I did not wish to write before having seen my uncle—to whom I went the day before yesterday, and who received me with great affection and pleasure. I wrote to him from Thun. Thence I went to Grindelwald and Lauterbrunner; thence to Interlachen, and, by the Lake of Brientz, to Meyringen; by the Grimsel in the Valais to Obergasteln; thence to Brieg; and then by the Simplon down to Farinoli in the Borromean Islands. Thence I embarked to Sestri Calende; thence to Milan—where, meeting the

  1. This was Dr. Polidori's elder sister, Maria Margaret, who in my time was invariably called "Margaret" in the family.