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mately became colonel, in 1826. In Oct. 1846 he was appointed to succeed Sir J. Eardley Wilmot as Governor of Van Diemen's Land, where he arrived in Jan. 1847. He entered on his administration under many difficulties, the bequest of his predecessor, and his reception by the colonists was not enthusiastic. Sir William Denison had had much experience of public works in England, and the object of Mr. Gladstone, the then Colonial Secretary, in sending him to Van Diemen's Land was the better disposal of the labour and the more effectual control of the prisoners; and throughout his whole period of rule he held to his instructions on these points as the sole obligation binding on him. He attempted an amicable adjustment of the claims of the Legislative Councillors, including both those appointed by his predecessor, and also the "Patriotic Six" whom Sir J. Eardley Wilmot had dismissed. Out of the whole body it was left to his discretion to select six for his own council, which was then a purely nominated body. The whole number of the existing councillors were summoned to Government House to hear the English Minister's decision, and were requested to decide among themselves who should be the half-dozen to be retained. Mutual recriminations, however, arose, and knotty points of law were raised; so that in the end Sir William Denison adjourned the Council to await special instructions from Downing Street or a royal warrant making a fresh and final nomination. The latter was only despatched from England in July. Thus during 1847 there was no Legislature sitting; but at length the Gazette announced that the Queen had reinstated the "Patriotic Six," which was regarded as a great popular triumph. Sir William Denison's next trouble was a quarrel with the judges of the Supreme Court respecting the differential duties on which a revenue of £20,000 depended, and which the judges declared to be illegal There was also a dispute over the "Dog Act," which they declared void. The Governor, determined to resist their flat, removed a judge (Montagu) against whom there were charges of personal misconduct. The Governor also recommended the Chief Justice (Pedder) to take leave of absence; but this he firmly refused to do, and was strongly backed by public opinion in this course. The next step of the Governor was to carry through the Council a Doubts Bill which set aside the ruling of the judges, and bound them to accept as law any ordinance which they did not declare to be repugnant to the Constitution or British law within fourteen days. For his conduct in these matters Sir William Denison was censured by the Home Government; but the removal of Judge Montagu from the Bench was confirmed. The struggle for constitutional government was earnestly carried on for years by the colonists, and at length the boon was gained and was cordially welcomed. It curtailed considerably the power of the Governor. The great anti-transportation struggle succeeded, and Denison took strongly the side opposed to the popular sentiment of the Australian colonies. This imprudent step involved him in years of trouble and angry contention, in the course of which his reputation for justice and fair dealing suffered severely. "His opposition to the colonial will on the subject," says West, "his injustice to the judges, and his sarcastic delineations of colonial character narrowed the circle of his friends." In 1855, after the battle of the League had been fought and won, Denison was transferred to New South Wales, with the title of Governor-General of Australia. His rule in the mother colony was free from any serious political complications, and he personally promoted many public works of a useful character, as indeed he had done in Tasmania. The fortifications of Sydney were planned by him, and bear his name. He was appointed Governor of Madras in 1861. On the death of Lord Elgin he acted as Governor-General of India pending the arrival of Sir John (afterwards Lord) Lawrence. In 1866, his term of rule having expired, he retired into private life, and died in England on Jan. 19th, 1871. He gave to the world his experiences as a governor in two volumes, bearing the title of "Varieties of Viceregal Life." Sir William married in 1838 Caroline Lucy, daughter of the late Admiral Sir Phipps Hornby, K.C.B. He was promoted to be major-general, and was created K.C.B. in 1856. Despite the personal opprobrium under which Sir William Denison laboured during the major portion of his rule in Van Diemen's Land, the colonists on his leaving pre-