Page:The Dictionary of Australasian Biography.djvu/352

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abroad. He was one of the Commissioners for the Industrial Exhibitions in Melbourne in 1854, 1862, and 1867; and has issued eleven volumes of his "Fragmenta Phytographica Australiæ," two volumes on the "Plants of Victoria," and others on the Eucalyptus, Myoporinæ, Acacias, and Salsolaceæ, all largely illustrated, irrespective of many other publications. He co-operated in the elaboration of Bentham's "Flora Australiensis," of which seven volumes have appeared. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1861, and is a member of numerous foreign orders, besides being created a hereditary baron by the King of Wurtemberg in 1871. He has persistently and effectually promoted geographic research in Australian territory. The Baron still continues his researches in Melbourne. In 1879 he had conferred on him the Knight Commandership of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, of which he had been appointed a Companion in 1869. In 1888 he was the recipient of one of the royal medals of the Royal Society of London. The Baron is corresponding member of over a hundred and fifty scientific societies, including many academies in various parts of the world.

Mundy, Alfred Miller, third son of Edward Miller Mundy, of Shipley Hall, co. Derby, by Nelly, daughter of F. Barton, of Penwortham, co. Lancaster, was born on Jan. 9th, 1809, and became lieutenant 60th Rifles. He emigrated to South Australia, and was clerk of the Legislative Council in that colony from 1840 to 1843. He was Colonial Secretary from June 15th, 1848, to June 14th, 1849, when he returned to England on leave of absence, and ultimately resigned on succeeding to the family estates on the death of his elder brother, E. M. Mundy, M.P. for South Derbyshire, Jan. 29th, 1849. Mr. Mundy married on June 5th, 1841, Jane, second daughter of Captain (afterwards Admiral Sir) John Hindmarsh, sometime Governor of South Australia. He was High Sheriff of Derbyshire in 1855, and a J.P. and D.L. for that county and a J.P. for Notts. He died at Nice on March 29th, 1877.

Munro, Hon. James, Agent-General for Victoria, is the son of Donald Munro, and was born at Glen Dubh, in Sutherlandshire, on Jan. 7th, 1832, and educated at the Armadale School Mr. Munro began life as a printer and going to Edinburgh in 1848, entered the establishment of Thomas Constable & Co., printers to the Queen. He left Edinburgh for Victoria in the Champion of the Seas in 1858, and returned his attention to printing, but left that occupation in 1865, to found and conduct the Victoria Permanent Property Investment and Building Society. Mr. Munro also started the Melbourne Woollen Mill and the Victorian Permanent Fire Insurance Company. After seven years' service as secretary of the named society, he started the Federal Banking Company in 1882, and conducted its operations as managing director for three years. The Real Estate Bank was founded by him in 1887. Mr. Munro stood for Parliament in 1863 for Dundas, but was unsuccessful. In 1874 he was returned for North Melbourne as a supporter of the late Mr. Francis, and in May 1877 became first member for Carlton. He was, however, defeated in 1880, but re-entered the Assembly as member for North Melbourne in 1881. In 1883 he did not stand, but in 1886 he was elected for Geelong, in succession to Sir Graham Berry. Mr. Munro was Minister of Education in the first Berry Ministry from August 7th to Oct 20th, 1875, being sworn of the Executive Council on the former date. He declined office in the second Berry Ministry in 1877, and joined with Mr. Casey in forming a "corner party" on the Liberal side. Mr. Munro is President of the Victorian Alliance and the Melbourne Total Abstinence Society, and was the acknowledged leader of the Temperance party in the Victorian Parliament for a good many years. Mr. Munro, who led the opposition to the Gillies-Deakin Government, visited England in 1890, and successfully carried through several important commercial operations, besides being warmly received by the prominent advocates of temperance in Great Britain. On his return to the colony, Mr. Munro attacked the financial policy of the Gillies Government with great trenchancy, and ultimately carried a direct vote of want of confidence in them by a large majority. He then himself became Premier (Nov. 4th, 1890) at the head of what he styled a "National Liberal" Ministry. He was one of the representatives of Victoria at the Federa-