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of their power by certain Phrasolators whom an unfortunate chance has afforded opportunity to air their hobbies upon the judgment-seat. To these sapient Dogberrys, the mildest physical correction is an outrage, even when applied to check the downward course to a life in comparison with which the most cruel death would be mercy. But an ass will munch his thistle, no doubt, and a fool worship his phrase, till asses and fools have ceased to be.

It was a committee of matrons, that, on such occasions as this referred to, assigned to each zerua and viora her partner for the day. As regards the vioran, they usually had assigned to them a betrothed zerdar. Occasionally, however, as in the case of Anvar Siured, an eligible suitor would be so assigned, when the parents on both sides regarded a possible engagement as desirable. It was only to this extent that a maiden's choice was ever interfered with by her parents. If her partner for the day asked her to take an excursion in his curricle, she usually accepted, as an act of politeness, and dutiful acquiescence in what she understood to be the wish of her parents, and bound up her locks for the occasion. If the suitor, thus given an opportunity, was able to plead his cause with success, the maiden would, on their return, allow her locks to remain as when she rode away,—a sign that her temporary partner had become a suitor on probation. But most frequently she re-asserted her privilege as a viora, a matter on which the maidens were justly sensitive.