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prefix pour le Sabbat, & que les Sorciers y vōt lors qu’ils y sont mādéz par Satā.

“I’adiousteray icy ce qu’ Antide Colas à cōfessé à ce propos, sçauoir que par enuiron sept ans elle auoit esté au Sabbat à vn chacun bon iour de l’année, comme à Noel, à Pasques, à la feste Dieu, & autres iours semblables, & que pour la derniere fois elle y fut vn soir des festes de Pasques en la Combe Sainete Marie, ou se retrouuerent enuiron quarante personnes: & disoit de plus, que le soir de Noel precedent, elle y fut entre la messe de la minuict & celle du point du iour: voila comme aux bons iours ce malin celebre ses assemblées, & retire la creature du service de Dieu.” At the trial of Louis Gaufridi, Maria de Sains, a witness who was examined on May 17th–19th, 1614, asserted that Wednesday and Friday were the two nights especially chosen for the sabbats of blasphemy and the Satanic eucharist, and Hopkins records that on Friday the Essex witches met close to his house and “had their severall solemne sacrifices there offered to the Devill.” Upon the information of Hopkins the following persons were taken into custody, Elizabeth Clarke, Ann West and her daughter Rebecca, Ann Leach, Helen Clarke, and Elizabeth Gooding. The local Justices of the Peace, men of the most inflamed fanaticism, Sir Harbottle Grimston and Sir Thomas Bowes, were not slow to listen to the charges, and Hopkins himself has detailed the tortures by which the wretched creatures whom he had accused were brought to confess. Another worthy now appears upon the scenes in the shape of John Stearne, who was to show himself a most energetic colleague and coadjutor. Ann