Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/186

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of a new World.

and being there to satisfie the argument which is taken from these comets, He answers it thus: Aut argumentum desumptum ex paralaxi non est efficax, aut siest efficax, eorum instrumentorum usam decipere vel ratione astri vel medii, vel distantiæ, aut ergo erat in suprema parte aeris, aut si in cœlo, tum forsan factum erat ex reflectione radiorum Saturni & Jovis, qui tunc in conjunctione suerant. "Either the argument from the parallax is not efficacious, or it be, yet the use of the instruments might deceive either in regard of the starre or the medium, or the distance, and so this comet might be in the upper regions of the aire, or if it were in the heavens, there it might be produced by the reflexion of the rays from Saturne and Jupiter who were then in conjunction." You see what shifts he is driven to, how he runnes up and downe to many starting holes, that he may find
