Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/201

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The discovery

dispersa videremus, quorum species jam evanescit nimia spatii intercapedine. "If we did live in the spheares of the Planets, wee might there, perhaps, discerne many great clouds dispersed through the whole Heavens", which are not now visible by reason of this great distance.

2. Mæslin and Keplar affirme, that they have seene some of these alterations. The words of Mæslin[1] are these (as I finde them cited.) In eclipsi Lunari vespere Dominicæ Palmarum Anni 1605, in corpore Lunæ versus Boream, nigricans quædam macula conspecta fuit, obscurior cætero toto corpore, quod candentis ferri figuram repræsentabat; dixisses nubila in multam regionem extensa pluviis & tempestuosis imbribus gravida, cujusmodi ab excelsorum montium jugis in humiliora convallium loca videre non rarò contingit. "In that lunary eclipse which happened in the even of Palme-sun-

  1. Disser. 2 cum nunc. Galil.